healthy alternatives to your favorite baked goods

healthy alternatives to your favorite baked goods

Feel Good About Food: Eating Well In Warmer Weather

Celina Carroll

When warmer weather comes, change-up the routine with some lighter, healthful meal options. As summer rolls around, the choice of fresh foods expands so take advantage of it!

Some ways to eat well as the temperatures rise include these tips:

Visit your favorite bakery. Skip the typical carb and go with something light and fresh – like fresh-baked rolls and bread! Seek out bakeries in your area, like Champion Bakery Inc., and buy fresh breads to serve as the foundation for your warm-weather menus. This will also save you time in the kitchen baking.

Buy a share. Make a point to invest in a community or local farm share. These are an affordable way to ensure you have fresh produce at its peak all season long. Some farms may offer delivery to your door or a local landmark.

Make more soup. Even though days are warmer, the evenings may still be chilly. Try to make more soup as a weekly meal option that is both well-loved and super-satisfying. A big pot of aromatic soup is also a great way to get your kids to eat more vegetables.

Start a garden. A great way to get excited about lighter, summertime eating is to grow something. Grow your own vegetables, fruit trees, or herb gardens to have wholesome foods at your fingertips. If you have kids, get them involved in the process!

Try something new every week. Resolve to try one new recipe a week; don't become complacent in the meals that you serve. This also ensures you have a fresh new repertoire of dishes that is a change from the previous season, and that will reawaken your family's taste buds.

Visit a farm. Grab the family and visit a farm over the weekend. This is a great way to get back in touch with nature and to actually see where your food comes from. There likely will be produce or products for sale, and you can't get any more farm-to-table than buying it directly from the farmer. This may also re-inspire you to eat less animal proteins and more fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Coordinate a meal-swap. A great way to jump into lighter eating for warmer weather is to organize a meal swap. Engage neighbors, friends, or coworkers in a meal swap and ask participants to exchange their favorite light dishes, such as a favorite meat-free recipe. This adds some intrigue and excitement to mealtime, ensuring you won't become bored with the same springtime dishes.

Use these tips to get excited about warm weather and healthful eating. If you want to feel and look your best any time of the year, the secret is your diet; make the most of rising temperatures and different food selections to create tasty and intriguing meals that your family will love!


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About Me
healthy alternatives to your favorite baked goods

Cookies, cupcakes, breads and cakes - the world of baking is awesomely delicious. Did you know that there are healthy alternatives to turn to when shopping at the bakery? Did you realize that baked goods can be nutritious and not that fatty? Were you aware of the fact that bakeries can prepare baked goods for people with food sensitivities? To learn more about nutritious, delicious and safe foods that you can purchase from a bakery, visit my website. There, you will learn a lot of healthy alternatives to your favorite baked goods, so that you can enjoy them while feeling no guilt.
